Kolloquium am 19.06.2024 mit Martin Fischer
Die Aufzeichnung des Vortrags von Martin Fischer kann bis zum 04.07.2024 unter https://boxup.uni-potsdam.de/s/8EGTjtdPc3AACMD; Passwort: DgZKo4P2z3FXWNd heruntergeladen werden.
Martin Fischer (Kognitionswissenschaften, Universität Potsdam)
On the Embodied Nature of Knowledge: From Neurons to Numbers
Interdisciplinary investigations of the human mind through the “cognitive sciences” have identified a key role of the body for representing knowledge. After characterizing knowledge at grounded, embodied and situated levels, number knowledge is analysed from this hierarchical perspective. Lateralized cortical processing of coarse vs. fine detail is identified as grounding substrate for the population stereotype “few/left, many/right”, which then contributes to number-related sensory and motor biases at the embodied level. Implications of embodied knowledge for education and rehabilitation are mentioned.
ZOOM-Link bitte erfragen bei: pina(at)fh-potsdam.de