Here you will find an overview of our current and completed research projects, which focus on early childhood cognition, education and development, and educational interaction.
Since 2012, we are pleased to have gained a scientific location in the Blossin – Researcher World, which enables (early) educational research under the conditions of a “real laboratory”. Research at Blossin focuses on cognitively stimulating interactions between children and adults, which are recorded, for example, in the form of observation protocols and using videos.
Furthermore, you can gain insight into our research ethics here. Research studies with children mean a particularly high level of responsibility for the researchers. Therefore, children and their interests are at the centre of our scientific work and care. You can find more information in the Participate section if you are a parent or daycare centre and would like to participate in our scientific studies with your child or children.
In the Publications section, we keep you up to date on our current research results. As part of the seminar “International System Comparison”, ten students of the Master’s programme “Early Childhood Education Research” developed criteria that can be used to compare different countries with regard to early education. The following questions, among others, were investigated: Image of the child, staffing ratio, social accessibility to childcare places, professions of the professionals. You can find the complete evaluation here.