23.11.2022, Colloquium with Detlef Diskwoski
Time: 18:00–19:30
Setting the framework for staffing day care centres – Who is actually allowed to work in day care centres?
The staffing of day care centres is rightly regarded as the most important prerequisite for good quality of care and thus determines to a considerable extent the conditions under which almost all children in Germany grow up. Not surprisingly, staffing is therefore the subject of demands and public debate. Beyond the general agreement that the staffing of day care centres is insufficient, however, the knowledge about the relevant regulations as well as the competences and areas of responsibility for staffing is often rather blurred. This applies both to the terms “staffing allocation”, “staffing conclusions” and “specialist-child ratio”, which are sometimes misleadingly used in the discussion, as well as to the highly diverse provision of pedagogical staff in Germany.
The lecture initially pursues no other purpose than to clarify the frameworks and thus improve the basis for a constructive discourse and the possibilities for design.
Please ask for the ZOOM link: nadin.klueber(at)fh-potsdam.de